October 31, 2008

Don't Vote.

I've always had a thing for propaganda posters but Borders Perrin Norrander's Don't Vote awareness campaign is pure genius. Minimalistic layout, bold type, and powerful visuals that portray current global issues.

These two (plus the animation above) are ones that really caught my attention:

This one's obviously targeted for the slightly younger, environmentally conscious bunch. Awesome image/word association. First you have the melting ice caps, the use of the Metallica logo for the word Antartica, then you play around with it to make it look like a music poster. Ah, wonderful. The design, not global warming.

I didn't get what this one was about straight away, but I think it touches on how Corporate America's cheap labour interests are affecting the increasing unemployment rates in the US. I like this one 'cause of it's simplicity and how it encourages the viewer to really think.

You can check out the rest here.

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